During the last decade, enzyme replacement therapy for lysosomal storage di
seases became a reality with the demonstration of its safety and effectiven
ess in type 1 Gaucher disease. Currently, enzyme replacement and several ot
her potential therapeutic strategies are being developed for selected lysos
omal storage diseases, including Fabry disease due to the deficient activit
y of alpha -galactosidase A (alpha -Gal A). The development and clinical ev
aluation of these new therapies require a stepwise process, each step being
rigorously reviewed and approved by national or international regulatory a
gencies. For lethal disorders that affect small populations, such as many i
nherited metabolic diseases, this process can be accelerated by 'orphan dru
g' and 'fast track' regulations. As an example of the drug development proc
ess, the development of recombinant human alpha -Gal A (r-h alpha Gal A) re
placement for Fabry disease is presented, including the preclinical studies
in the 'Fabry mouse' model, and the clinical phase 1/2, phase 3, and phase
3 extension studies, which demonstrate the safety and efficacy of this new