In automotive sheet metal assembly part positioning and clamping is accompl
ished by fixtures consisting of fixture elements, such as pins and blocks.
The locations of these elements are determined during process design and ne
ed to be certified during the construction and installation of an assembly
line. Usually, theodolite systems are used to certify the locations of thes
e elements by measuring the trihedron points on the fixture elements. Howev
er, no systematic method exists for the selection and placement of measurin
g systems. As a result, the current certification procedure is very time-co
nsuming and is prone to error, This paper presents an algorithm for the opt
imal setup and placement of theodolite systems based on visibility analysis
and synthesis. For a given tooling fixture, the visibility map is introduc
ed to represent the set of potential measurement locations when a number of
fixture elements are lo be measured. From the set of potential measurement
locations, an optimal setup will be selected based on minimizing the numbe
r of theodolite heads by optimally locating these theodolites. This approac
h will minimize measurement setups and improve measurement accuracy.