The purpose of this study was to systematically map the forelimb area of pr
imary motor cortex (M1) in rhesus macaques in an effort to investigate furt
her the organization of motor output to distal and proximal muscles. We use
d stimulus-triggered averaging (StTAing) of electromyographic activity to m
ap the cortical representation of 24 simultaneously recorded forelimb muscl
es. StTAs were obtained by applying 15 muA stimuli to M1 sites while the mo
nkey performed a reach and prehension task. Motor output to body regions ot
her than the forelimb (e.g., face, trunk, and hindlimb) was identified usin
g repetitive intracortical microstimulation to evoke movements. Detailed, m
uscle-based maps of M1 revealed a central core of distal (wrist, digit, and
intrinsic hand) muscle representation surrounded by a "horseshoe"-shaped z
one of proximal (shoulder and elbow) muscle representation. The core distal
and proximal zones were separated by a relatively large region representin
g combinations of both distal and proximal muscles. On the basis of its siz
e and characteristics, we argue that this zone is not simply the result of
stimulus-current spread, but rather a distinct zone within the forelimb rep
resentation containing cells that specify functional synergies of distal an
d proximal muscles. Electrode tracks extending medially from the medial arm
of the proximal muscle representation evoked trunk and hindlimb responses.
No distal or proximal muscle poststimulus effects were found in this regio
n. These results argue against the existence of a second, major noncontiguo
us distal or proximal forelimb representation located medially within the m
acaque M1 representation.