The authors investigate the spreading stage of the deep ocean convection fo
r a strip-shaped convective region to study the law of spreading and sensit
ivity of the eddy exchange efficiency parameter to the shape of the region
and the background stratification. To simulate this convection process a tw
o-layer quasigeostrophic model is used and the input of buoyancy due to sur
face cooling is parameterized through creation of pairs of baroclinic point
vortices with opposite signs of potential vorticity (hetons) at a constant
rate. It is shown that the eddy exchange efficiency parameter for lateral
fluxes of potential density out of the convective region is not universal b
ut essentially depends on the shape of the region and the relative layer th
icknesses. The horizontal spreading of the potential density anomaly shows
a faster than diffusive, quasi-linear dependence on time at moderate values
of the surface buoyancy flux. This behavior is due to the specific dynamic
s of hetons and heton clusters.