This paper formulates the standard Dirac theory without resorting to spinor
fields. Spinor fields mix bivectors and vectors which have different prope
rties in spacetime algebra. Instead the Dirac held is formulated as a gener
alized bivector field. All the usual results of the standard Dirac theory f
all out naturally and simply. The plane-wave solutions to the Dirac equatio
n are given and found to give eight independent solutions. The solutions co
rrespond to particle/antiparticle energy states, spin +/- 1/2 along the dir
ection of propagation and two degrees of transverse polarization. Each solu
tion has a double degeneracy corresponding to an internal U(1) circle times
SU(2) symmetry of the Dirac equation. One further advantage of this formal
ism is that it is completely formulated without using a matrix representati
on of Clifford algebra instead of utilizing the inherent geometric meaning
of the algebra.