1. In order to study its role in steady state water transport, the Na+-gluc
ose cotransporter (SGLT1) nas expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes; both the
human and the rabbit clones were tested. The transport activity was monito
red as a clamp current and the flux of water followed optically as the chan
ge on oocyte volume
2. SGLT1 has two modes of water transport. First, it acts as a molecular wa
ter pump: for each 2 Na+ and 1 sugar molecule 264 water molecules were cotr
ansported in the human SGLT1 (hSGLT1), 424 for the rabbit SGLT1 (rSGLT1). S
econd, it acts as a water channel.
3. The cotransport of water was tightly coupled to the sugar-induced clamp
current. Instantaneous changes in clamp current induced by changes in clamp
voltage were accompanied by instantaneous changes in the rate of water tra
4. The cotransported solution was predicted to be hypertonic, and an osmoti
c gradient built up across the oocyte membrane with continued transport; th
is resulted in an additional osmotic influx of water. After 5-10 min a stea
dy state was achieved in which the total influx was predicted to be isotoni
c with the intracellular solution.
5. With the given expression levels, the steady state water transport was d
ivided about equally between cotransport, osmosis across the SGLT1 and osmo
sis across the native oocyte membrane.
6. Coexpression of AQP1 with the SGLT1 increased the water permeability mor
e than 10-fold and steady state isotonic transport was achieved after less
than 2 s of sugar activation. One-third of the water was cotransported, and
the remainder was osmotically driven through the AQP1.
7. The data, suggest that SGLT1 has three roles: in isotonic water transpor
t: it cotransports water directly, it supplies a passive pathway for osmoti
c water transport, and it generates an osmotic driving force that can be em
ployed by other pathways, for example aquaporins.