This is an in vitro study of the mechanical effects of varying hook attachm
ent patterns in long segment kyphotic deformity. In such cases, the optimal
implant bulk, fatigue life, and construct rigidity to reliably achieve fus
ion are still unquantified. Rod strains were measured for multiple laminar
hook patterns in a synthetic thoracic spine test bed. Stresses were calcula
ted from strain data. The model displayed similar flexion bending stiffness
to the thoracic spine. None of the hook patterns significantly changed ove
rall construct stiffness. Greatest rod strains were seen when utilizing awa
y-facing apical hooks. This model was too stiff to detect differences in co
nstruct stiffness. Nonetheless, rod stress analysis showed that for multise
gment thoracic constructs, particularly with fixed kyphosis, minimizing api
cal hooks will minimize rod strain. If periapical hooks are necessary, orie
nting the hooks toward the apex will minimize rod strain.