Percutaneous nucleotomy in elite athletes is considered a minimally invasiv
e treatment of lumbar disc herniation. However, long-term effectiveness has
not been established by careful follow-up studies. This article evaluates
the outcome of percutaneous nucleotomy in elite athletes who have undergone
the procedure. Thirty elite athletes with lumbar disc herniation who under
went percutaneous nucleotomy and had been followed for at least 2 years wer
e compared with a matched group of 42 nonathletes. The outcome in athletes
was worse than in nonathletes. Early return to vigorous sports activity in
less than 3 months correlated with increased symptoms. Similarly, more exte
nsive resection of disc material was associated with an unexpected rapid wo
rsening of the outcome and the lower rate of return to preoperative spores.
Patient selection and postoperative management of athletes and nonathletes
undergoing percutaneous nucleotomy should be the same, and the procedure i
n athletes is probably not worthwhile if they do not obey postoperative man
agement such as the timing of return to sports activity.