The transmission of waves through two discontinuities in a one-dimensional
waveguide system is considered. Attention is focused on transmission throug
h a structural insert, which is defined here to be a waveguide segment whic
h is inserted into an otherwise continuous structural member with different
properties. A general expression for the net transmission through the inse
rt is found. It has bandpass/stop characteristics and its frequency average
is somewhat greater than that normally assumed due to the coherent interac
tion of the waves in the insert. The particular case is then considered whe
re the insert comprises a three-layer composite beam inserted in a thin bea
m which vibrates in bending. The composite beam comprises two elastic facep
lates and a core filled with a tunable electro- or magneto-rheological flui
d. The net transmission and the stop bands depend on the properties of the
insert. Since these properties are tunable by adjusting the field to which
the tunable fluid is exposed, then so too are the transmission characterist
ics of the insert. (C) 2001 Acoustical Society of America.