Background: Intravesical chemotherapy (i.e., placement of the drug directly
in the bladder) with mitomycin C is beneficial for patients with superfici
al bladder cancer who are at high risk of recurrence, but standard therapy
is empirically based and patient response rates have been variable, in part
because of inadequate drug delivery. We carried out a prospective, two-arm
, randomized, multi-institutional phase III trial to test whether enhancing
the drug's concentration in urine would improve its efficacy, Methods: Pat
ients with histologically proven transitional cell carcinoma and at high ri
sk for recurrence were eligible for the trial. Patients in the optimized-tr
eatment arm (n = 119) received a 40-mg dose of mitomycin C, pharmacokinetic
manipulations to increase drug concentration by decreasing urine volume, a
nd urine alkalinization to stabilize the drug. Patients in the standard-tre
atment arm (n = 111) received a 20-mg dose without pharmacokinetic manipula
tions or urine alkalinization, Both treatments were given weekly for 6 week
s. Primary endpoints were recurrence and time to recurrence, Treatment outc
ome was examined by use of Kaplan-Meier analysis with log-rank tests. Stati
stical tests were two-sided. Results: Patients in the two arms did not diff
er in demographics or history of intravesical therapy. Dysuria occurred mor
e frequently in the optimized arm but did not lead to more frequent treatme
nt termination. In an intent-to-treat analysis, patients in the optimized a
rm showed a longer median time to recurrence (29.1 months; 95% confidence i
nterval [CI] = 14.0 to 44.2 months) and a greater recurrence-free fraction
(41.0%; 95% CI = 30.9% to 51.1%) at 5 years than patients in the standard a
rm (11.8 months; 95% Cf = 7.2 to 16.4 months) and 24.6% (95% CI = 14.9% to
34.3%) (P = .005, log-rank test for time to recurrence). Improvements were
found in all risk groups defined by tumor stage, grade, focality, and recur
rence. Conclusions: This study identified a pharmacologically optimized int
ravesical mitomycin C treatment with statistically significantly enhanced e