The high prevalence of hypertension in older persons (nearly one of two sub
jects aged 60 years and older) suggests that the recognition and treatment
should he a priority fur physicians. Although diastolic blood pressure is r
egarded as an important risk factor, it is now clear that isolated systolic
hypertension and elevated pulse pressure also play an important role in th
e development of cerebrovascular disease, congestive heart failure, and cor
onary heart disease, which are the major causes of cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality in the population aged older than 65 years. Controlled, rand
omized trials have shown that treatment of systolic as well as systolodiast
olic hypertension decreases the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovasc
ular complications in older adults. The question of whether treatment of hy
pertension should be maintained in very old persons, those older than 80 ye
ars, is still undecided.