Jk. Shallop et al., Cochlear implants in five cases of auditory neuropathy: Postoperative findings and progress, LARYNGOSCOP, 111(4), 2001, pp. 555-562
Objectives: To review our experiences with some of the preoperative and pos
toperative findings in five children who were diagnosed with auditory neuro
pathy and were provided with cochlear implants. We describe changes in audi
tory function, which enabled these children to have significant improvement
in their hearing and communication skills. Study Design: Pre- and postoper
atively, these children received complete medical examinations at Mayo Clin
ic, including related consultations in audiology, pediatrics, neurology, me
dical genetics, otolaryngology, psychology, speech pathology, and radiology
. Methods: These children typically had additional medical and audiological
examinations at more than one medical center. The hearing assessments of t
hese children included appropriate behavioral audiometric techniques, objec
tive measures of middle ear function, acoustic reflex studies, transient (T
OAE) or distortion product (DPOAE) otoacoustic emissions, auditory brainste
m responses (ABR), and, in some cases, transtympanic electrocochleography (
ECoG). After placement of the internal cochlear implant devices (Nucleus CI
24), intraoperatively we measured electrode impedances, visually detected e
lectrical stapedius reflexes (VESR) and neural response telemetry (NRT). Th
ese intraoperative objective measures were used to help program the speech
processor for each child. Postoperatively, each child has had regular Follo
w-up to assure complete healing of the surgical incision, to assess their g
eneral medical conditions, and for speech processor programming. Their hear
ing and communication skills have been assessed on a regular basis. Postope
ratively, we have also repeated electrode impedance measurements, NRT measu
rements, otoacoustic emissions, and electrical auditory brainstem responses
(EABR). We now have 1 year or more follow-up information on the five child
ren. Results: The five children implanted at Mayo Clinic Rochester have not
had any postoperative medical or cochlear implant device complications. Ah
of the children have shown significant improvements in their sound detecti
on, speech perception abilities and communication skills. Ad of the childre
n have shown evidence of good NRT results. Ad but case D ((who was not test
ed) showed evidence of good postoperative EABR results. Otoacoustic emissio
ns typically remained in the non-operated ear but, as expected, they are no
w absent in the operated ear. Conclusion: Our experiences with cochlear imp
lantation for children diagnosed with auditory neuropathy have been very po
sitive. The five children we have implanted have not had any complications
postoperatively, and each child has shown improved Listening and communicat
ion skills that have enabled each child to take advantage of different comm
unication and educational options. Key Words: Auditory neuropathy, cochlear
implants, stapedius reflexes, otoacoustic emissions, neural response telem
etry, electrical auditory brainstem responses.