The tenascins are a family of large extracellular matrix glycoproteins that
comprise five known members. Three of these, tenascin-C (TN-C) tenascin-R
(TN-R) and tenascin-Y (TN-Y) are expressed in specific patterns during nerv
ous system development and are down-regulated after maturation. The express
ion of TN-C, the best studied member of the family, persists in restricted
areas of the nervous system that exhibit neuronal plasticity and is reexpre
ssed after lesion. Numerous studies in vitro suggest specific roles for ten
ascins in the nervous system involving precursor cell migration, axon growt
h and guidance. TN-C has been shown to occur in a large number of isoform v
ariants generated by combinatorial variation of alternatively spliced fibro
nectin type III (FNIII) repeats. This finding indicates that TN-C might spe
cify neural microenvironments, a hypothesis supported by recent analysis of
TN-C knockout animals, which has begun to reveal subtle nervous system dys
functions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V./International Society of Matrix B
iology. All rights reserved.