Aspergillus fumigatus is a ubiquitous soil fungus that causes invasive lung
disease in the immunocompromised host. The structure of the conidial wall
has not keen well characterized although it is thought that adhesins presen
t on the surface are involved in attachment of the conidia to host lung cel
ls and proteins, which is a prerequisite for the establishment of infection
. Negatively charged carbohydrates on the conidial surface have been previo
usly identified as the molecules responsible for attachment of conidia to e
xtracellular matrix proteins. The aim of this research was to identify carb
ohydrates on the conidial surface that contribute to its negative charge. D
irect chemical analysis and indirect binding assays have demonstrated that
A. fumigatus possesses sialic acids on the conidial surface. Pre-treatment
of A. fumigatus conidia with sialidase decreased binding of a sialic acid-s
pecific lectin, Limax flavus agglutinin (LFA), to the conidial surface and
decreased adhesion of conidia to the positively charged polymer poly L-lysi
ne. Two other sialic acid-specific lectins, Maackia amurensis agglutinin an
d Sambucus nigra agglutinin, exhibited negligible binding to A. fumigatus c
onidia indicating that 2,3-alpha- and 2,6-alpha -linked sialic acids are no
t the major structures found on the conidial surface. Mild acid hydrolysis
and purification of conidial wall carbohydrates yielded a product that had
the same R-F as the Neu5Ac standard when analysed by high-performance thin-
layer chromatography. A density of 6.7 x 10(5) sialic acid residues per con
idium was estimated using a colorimetric assay. Conidia grown on a minimal
medium lacking sialic acid also reacted with LFA, indicating that sialic ac
id biosynthesis occurs de novo. Sialic acid biosynthesis was shown to be re
gulated by nutrient composition: the density of sialic acids on the surface
of conidia grown in minimal media was tower than that observed when conidi
a were grown on rich, complex media. It has previously been shown that path
ogenic Aspergillus species adhere to basal lamina proteins to a greater ext
ent than non-pathogenic Aspergillus species. To determine whether the expre
ssion of sialic acid on the conidial surface was correlated with adhesion t
o basal lamina, conidia from other non-pathogenic Aspergillus species were
tested for their reactivity towards LFA. Flow cytometric analysis demonstra
ted that A. fumigatus had a significantly greater sialic acid density than
three non-pathogenic Aspergillus species. Sialic acids on the conidial wall
may be involved in adhesion to fibronectin, a component of the basal lamin
a, as binding of A. fumigatus conidia to fibronectin was strongly inhibited
in the presence of a sialylated glycoprotein.