Sarcoglycanopathies constitute a subgroup of limb-girdle recessive muscular
dystrophies due to defects in sarcoglycan complex that comprises five dist
inct transmembrane proteins called alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta- and epsilo
n -sarcoglycans. As it is well known that sarcoglycans are expressed both i
n heart and in skeletal muscles and a complete deficiency in delta -sarcogl
ycan is the cause of the Syrian hamster BIO.14 cardiomyopathy, we studied c
ardiac and respiratory involvement in 20 patients with sarcoglycanopathies
by clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, scintigraphic and spi
rometric assessments. A normal heart function was found in 31.3% of all pat
ients; a preclinical cardiomyopathy in 43.7%: an arrhythmogenic cardiomyopa
thy in 6.3% and initial signs of dilated cardiomyopathy in 18.7%. In one pa
tient the data were examined retrospectively. No correlation was found betw
een cardiac and skeletal muscle involvement. With reference to the type of
sarcoglycanopathy, signs of hypoxic myocardial damage occurred in beta-, ga
mma- and delta -sarcoglycanopathies, while initial signs of a dilated cardi
omyopathy in gamma- and delta -sarcoglycanopathies were found. A normal res
piratory function was observed in 23.5% of all patients, a mild impairment
in 35.4%, a moderate impairment in 29.4%, and a severe impairment in 11.7%.
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