The effect of dual site pacing for prevention of atrial fibrillation may be
due to synchronization of right and left atrial activation. Little is know
n, however, about the effect of pacing from single right atrial sites on di
fferences in interatrial conduction.
Twenty-eight patients without structural heart disease were studied followi
ng radiofrequency catheter ablation of supraventricular arrhythmias. Pacing
was performed using standard multipolar catheters from the presumed insert
ion site of Bachmann's bundle, the coronary sinus ostium, the high lateral
right atrium, and the right atrial appendage (n = 8 patients). Bipolar reco
rding was performed from the distal coronary sinus, the high and low latera
l right atrium, and the posterolateral left atrium (n = 13 patients). The l
ongest conduction time from each pacing to each recording site was consider
ed the total atrial activation time for the respective pacing site. During
high right atrial pacing, the total atrial activation time was determined b
y the conduction to the distal coronary sinus (118 +/- 18 ms), during coron
ary sinus ostium pacing by the conduction to the high right atrium (94 +/-
28 ms), and during Bachmann's bundle pacing by the conduction to the distal
coronary sinus (74 +/- 18 ms). The total atrial activation time was signif
icantly shorter during pacing from Bachmann's bundle, as compared to pacing
from other right atrial sites. Thus, in normal atria, pacing from the inse
rtion of Bachmann's bundle causes a shorter total atrial activation time an
d less interatrial conduction delay, as compared to pacing from other right
atrial sites. These findings may have implications for alternative pacing
sites for prevention of atrial fibrillation.