Metabolic organization of individual organisms follows simple quantitative
rules that can be understood from basic physical chemical principles. Dynam
ic energy budget (DEB) theory identifies these rules, which quantify how in
dividuals acquire and use energy and nutrients. The theory provides constra
ints on the metabolic organization of subcellular processes. Together with
rules for interaction between individuals, it also provides a basis to unde
rstand population and ecosystem dynamics. The theory, therefore, links vari
ous levels of biological organization. It applies to all species of organis
ms and offers explanations for body-size scaling relationships of natural h
istory parameters that are otherwise difficult to understand. A considerabl
e number of popular empirical models turn out to be special cases of the DE
B model, or very close numerical approximations. Strong and weak homeostasi
s and the partition-ability of reserve kinetics are cornerstones of the the
ory and essential for understanding the evolution of metabolic organization