The low-energy He-6+p, He-6(p,n)Li-6(1(+),0(+)), and He-6(p,alpha )t reacti
ons are studied in the framework of a microscopic multicluster model. The H
e-6, Li-6, and t wave functions are calculated variationally with microscop
ic three-cluster structures. The different thresholds are fairly well repro
duced. The model provides the experimentally known states and resonances of
Li-7 up to E-x = 12 MeV except the second 7/2(-) state. A 3/2(-):T = 3/2 r
esonance is obtained which should correspond to the experimental 3/2(-);3/2
resonance at E-c.m. = 1.27 MeV. This resonance might have a halo structure
. The He-6(p,n)Li-6(0(+); 3.56 MeV) cross section should be strongly affect
ed by this resonance. Cross sections are also calculated for the He-6+p ela
stic scattering and for the He-6(p,alpha )t transfer reaction. The He-6+n e
lastic phase shifts are determined with a similar model and provide the iso
baric analog 3/2(-) ground state of He-7 and a 1/2(-) excited state.