This study investigates the effect of the environmental temperature and age
ing condition on the characterization of acrylic bone cement. The tests wer
e performed according to ISO 5833. The testing parameters were allowed to v
ary within the limits defined by the standard, in order to assess their eff
ect on the results of the test. In certain cases the tests were also perfor
med under conditions which the standard does not provide for but which are
likely to occur clinically.
This investigation showed that the cement behaviour may also change in the
temperature range specified in the standard. Therefore, it is deemed approp
riate to correlate the curing parameters of the bone cement to the environm
ental temperature. performing the test at different temperatures. In this w
ay the effect of temperature on the duration of the phases in the cement cu
ring could be assessed. The resultant graphical representation of the effec
t of temperature on the duration of the phases in cement curing has direct
clinical relevance. Furthermore, this study showed that the ageing conditio
ns of the mechanically tested specimens affected the results. Hence, it is
deemed advisable to modify the ageing conditions of the specimens, fixing t
hem closer to the in in vivo conditions.