An NMR model is presented for the structure of HMG-D, one of the Drosophila
counterparts of mammalian HMG 1/2 proteins, bound to a particular distorte
d DNA structure, a dA(2) DNA bulge. The complex is in fast to intermediate
exchange on the NMR chemical shift time scale and suffers substantial lineb
roadening for the majority of interfacial resonances. This essentially prec
ludes determination of a high-resolution structure for the interface based
on NMR data alone. However, by introducing a small number of additional con
straints based on chemical shift and linewidth footprinting combined with a
nalogies to known structures, an ensemble of model structures was generated
using a computational strategy equivalent to that for a conventional NMR s
tructure determination, We find that the base pair adjacent to the dA(2) bu
lge is not formed and that the protein recognizes this feature in forming t
he complex; intermolecular NOE enhancements are observed from the sidechain
of Thr 33 to all four nucleotides of the DNA sequence step adjacent to the
bulge. Our results form the first experimental demonstration that when bin
ding to deformed DNA, non-sequence-specific HMG proteins recognize the junc
tion between duplex and nonduplex DNA, Similarities and differences of the
present structural model relative to other HMG-DNA complex structures are d