Starting from recent approaches in mental model research, it is argued
that (1) logical inference rules are used in order to construct menta
l cliques from learned sentiment relations, and (2) social context cue
s (operationalized as primes) play a crucial role in activating such r
ules. Transitivity and antitransitivity are taken as examples. and are
shown as core constituents of such models. In a first experiment, pri
ming was achieved by announcing the sorting of fictitious persons in e
ither two or three cliques. Thirty-one subjects studied eight sets of
sentiment relations among these persons that either did or did not sat
isfy their primed clique expectations. They showed longer study times
and more requests for additional information in the case of inconsiste
nt fits between prime and set. Their sorting solutions also showed cle
ar priming effects. A second experiment (n = 30) showed that when unde
rgoing a recognition test after seeing the relation sets, subjects ten
ded to confuse model-consistent distracters with information they had
actually seen. In a third experiment (n = 30) the results from Experim
ent 1 were replicated using more realistic learning materials. (C) 199
7 Academic Press.