We have measured bronchial responsiveness (BR) to histamine on two occasion
s between 5 and 24h apart, to determine if conventional and new indices of
BR are repeatable. A random sample of 29 healthy male subjects with a mean
age of 19 (SD 3.44) years from a larger study repeated a Yan method test of
BR, recording both partial and maximal expiratory flow-volume (PEFV and ME
FV) curves.
From the MEFV curves log-dose slopes (LDS) for forced expiratory volume in
1 sec (FEV1), forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital ca
pacity (FVC) (FEF25-75%), mean expiratory flow at 30% and 40% of FVC (MEF30
, MEF40), and the first moment of the spirogram (alpha (1)) truncated at 75
% and 90% of FVC were calculated. as well as the provocative dose that indu
ces a 20% fall in FEV1 (PD20FEV1). From the PEFV curves LDS for alpha (1)75
% and alpha (1)90%, and MEF30 and MEF40 were derived.
Apart from MEF30 and alpha (1)90% the second test was significantly lower (
P < 0.05) than the first when measuring the repeatability of spirometric in
dices. whereas the LDS of the indices showed no significant change. The rep
eatability expressed as intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was highe
st for LDS FEV1 (0.87)1 second highest for LDS MEF40 (0.67) and LDS MEF30 (
The LDS for moment indices were much less repeatable and the lowest ICC was
found in all LDS indices derived from PEFV curves. Within-subject variance
was not influenced by atopic status, smoking habits or recordable PD20FEV1
. As tests for bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) the LDS of FEV1, MEF40
and MEF30 seem to be acceptable for use in population studies. <(c)> 2001 H