Breast cancer is among the most common world cancers. In Mexico this neopla
sm has been progressively increasing since 1990 and is expected to continue
. The risk factors for this disease are age, some reproductive factors, ion
izing radiation, contraceptives, obesity and high fat diets, among other fa
ctors. The main risk factor for BC is a positive family history. Several fa
milies, in which clustering but no mendelian inheritance exists, the BC is
due probably to mutations in low penetrance genes and/or environmental fact
ors. In families with autosomal dominant trait, the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes a
re frequently mutated. These genes are the two main BC susceptibility genes
. BRCA1 predispose to BC and ovarian cancer, while BRCA2 mutations predispo
se to BC in men and women. Both are long genes, tumor suppressors, function
ing in a cell cycle dependent manner, and it is believed that both switch o
n the transcription of several genes, and participate in DNA repair. The mu
tations profile of these genes is known in developed countries, while in La
tin America their search has just began. A multidisciplinary group most be
responsible of the clinical management of patients with medications in BRCA
1 and BRCA2, and the risk assignment and Genetic counseling most be done ca