The possibility of Lactuca serriola L. infestation of sown stands of Bromus
catharticus Vahl., Arrhenatherum elatius IL.) P. Beauv. ex J.S. et K.B. Pr
esl, Festuca pratensis Huds., Dactylis aschersoniana Graebn., Tuifolium rep
ens L., Medicago lupulina L., Lotus corniculatus L., Medicago media Pers. a
nd fallow under different management at setting the soil aside (3 times cut
during vegetation with removing of the mass, 2 times mulching during veget
ation, once mulching in the end of vegetation and once cut in the end of ve
getation with removing of the mass). Height, number of dry mass yield of La
ctuca serriola L, were measured. Lactuca serriola L. infested especially le
gumes stands harvested once in the end of vegetation period. Its share in t
he total dry mass yield of a year reached in average 16% in the stands of M
edicago lupulina L. and 36% in Trifolium repens L. stands. Grass stands wer
e relatively little infested or nor at all. Lactuca serriola L. presence in
the stands was influenced especially by the sown species. The infestation
by Lactuca serriola L. was not significantly influenced by the stand manage
ment. Multiple harvest of the stands during the vegetation (3 times cut, 2
limes mulching) prevented seeds creating and ripening of that species. The
weed infestation in the year 1999 was significantly higher in comparison wi
th the year 1997.