Objectives: To determine the aetiology of urethritis in Bangui, Central Afr
ican Republic.
Methods: 410 men presenting with urethral discharge and 100 asymptomatic co
ntrols were enrolled. Urethral swabs were obtained and processed by gonococ
cal culture and polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Neisseria go
norrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vagina
lis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum.
Results: In multivariate analyses, M genitalium and C trachomatis were sign
ificantly associated with urethral discharge when comparing cases of non-go
nococcal urethritis (NGU) with controls. T vaginalis was also more common i
n cases than in controls, but this reached statistical significance only am
ong cases in whom N gonorrhoeae was also detected. U urealyticum was not as
sociated with urethritis. The gonococcus was found in 69% of cases of ureth
ral discharge. M genitalium was the predominant pathogen in patients with N
GU, being found in 42% (53/127) of such patients while C trachomatis was fo
und in only 17% (22/127). T vaginalis was found in 18% (23/127) of patients
with NGU, but also in 15% (43/283) of patients with gonococcal urethritis,
and two thirds of patients with T vaginalis also had the gonococcus. Multi
ple infections were common. M genitalium caused a syndrome similar to chlam
ydial urethritis, with a less severe inflammation than in gonococcal infect
ion. No behavioural or clinical characteristic could discriminate between t
he various aetiological agents.
Conclusions: M genitalium is more prevalent than C trachomatis and is the m
ost common cause of NGU in Bangui. It causes a syndrome similar to chlamydi
al urethritis. T vaginalis is weakly associated with urethritis, and is oft
en found along with other pathogens.