We have simultaneously modeled both the interstellar extinction and po
larization (both linear and circular) on the basis of a trimodal dust
model: large silicate core-organic refractory mantle dust particles ve
ry small carbonaceous particles responsible for the hump extinction an
d PAH's responsible for the FUV extinction. The core-mantle particles
which are the exclusive contributor to the interstellar polarization a
nd the dominant contributor to the visual and NIR extinction are model
ed as finite cylinders with st Gaussian size distribution in terms of
perfect spinning alignment. Results for models using infinite cylinder
s are presented for comparison. Our model results are in good agreemen
t with such observational constraints as the average interstellar exti
nction curve, the polarization law, the ratio of visual polarization.
to extinction (P/A)(v), the scattering properties (albedos), the exces
s NIR polarization over the extrapolation of the Serkowski law. The (P
/A)(v) constraint imposed on other dust models (e.g., the silicate/gra
phite model, the composite dust model) leads to either a too low (P/A)
(v) value (the silicate/graphite model) or instability of particle str
ucture (the composite dust model). The cosmic abundance constraints, i
n particular the evidence for lower oxygen abundance in the interstell
ar medium than in the solar system and the possible interstellar C/O r
atios, are discussed extensively. Considering the uncertainties in the
interstellar ''cosmic'' abundances, the C/O ratio and the interstella
r non-dust elemental abundances, although our model requires a bit mor
e carbon than the reference abundance, it is within the limit of an ac
ceptable range and is a significant improvement over other models. AII
the other major reference abundance (cosmic - non-dust) constraints o
n O, N, Si, Mg, Fe are well satisfied.