Development of a granular sludge with high strength, high biological activi
ty and a narrow settling distribution is necessary for optimal operation of
high-rate upflow anaerobic treatment systems. Several studies have compare
d granules produced from different wastewaters but these have largely been
from laboratory-fed reactors or compared granules from full-scale reactors
fed similar wastewater types. Though two authors have commented on the infe
riority of granules produced by a protein-based feed, the properties of the
se granules have not been characterised. In this paper, granules from full-
scale reactors treating fruit and vegetable cannery effluent, two brewery e
ffluents and a pig abattoir (slaughterhouse) were compared in terms of basi
c composition, size distribution, density, settling velocity, shear strengt
h, and EPS content. The results supported previous qualitative observations
by other researchers that indicate granule properties depend more on waste
water type rather than reactor design or operating conditions such as pre-a
cidification level. The cannery-fed granules bad excellent shear strength,
settling distribution and density. Granules from the two brewery-fed reacto
rs had statistically the same bulk properties, which were still acceptable
for upflow applications. The protein-grown granule had poor strength and se
ttling velocity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.