Immigrant religious communities in the United Stares are undergoing profoun
d transformations. Three processes of change occurring in new immigrant rel
igions are described and analyzed; (1) adopting the congregational form in
organizational structure and ritual, (2) returning to theological foundatio
ns, and (3) reaching beyond traditional ethnic and religious boundaries to
include other peoples. These changes support the "new paradigm" in the soci
ology of religion that refutes secularizarion theories: Internal and extern
al religious pluralism, instead of leading to the decline of religion, enco
urages institutional and theological transformations that energize and revi
talize religions. Moreover, these changes are not merely attributable to Am
ericanization. Rather, these changes have transnational implications for gl
obal religious systems-implications that are facilitated by the material an
d organizational resources that new U.S. immigrants possess.