Background. This prospective study compares the characteristics of cystic d
isease of the breast (CDB) of patients who developed breast cancer (BCa) du
ring the follow-up (1.25-4 years) period with those who did not. Materials
and methods: K+ Na+ albumin, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), DHA-K+ sulphate,
oestrone, oestradiol, testosterone and progesterone levels were determined
in breast cyst fluid (BCF). Patients presented data about their menstrual
status, reproductive history, lactation period date of first and the number
of BCF aspirations, gynaecological interventions, use of ol al contracepti
ves, family history of cancer, smoking habits and coffee consumption. The B
Ca incidence of patients was compared with the expected number of BCas in a
n age-matched group of 5143 women. Results: Out of 147 patients 6 developed
BCa. The standardized incidence rate was 6.29. There were significant diff
erences in testosterone, oestrone and progesterone levels and also reproduc
tive history of patients who developed BCa compared with patients without B
Ca. Conclusion: The above markers outline a subgroup of patients with the h
ighest BCa risk.