The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of neonatal anoxia on survi
ving and neurobehavioral development (somatic growth and maturation, reflex
and neuromotor development, levels of activity and emotional reactivity, h
abituation, cognitive function) of Wistar/DV rats in relation to the develo
pmental stage, gender and concomitant influence of hypothermia. Anoxia was
induced in a special gas chamber in normothermic (36 degreesC) and hypother
mic (23 degreesC) conditions. Pups of both genders were exposed to anoxia o
f 10, 15, 20 and 25 min duration on postnatal day 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6. Mortalit
y of neonatal pups was increasing in relation to their age and duration of
the anoxic insult. Neonatal anoxia in normothermic conditions resulted in s
ubtle gender-related changes in exploratory behavior manifested in males by
increased motor activity and slowed-down habituation in an open field.