This essay examines Jane Marcet's 1806 Conversations on Chemistry in the co
ntext of a newly emerging ideology of science. As part of this emergence, a
new public for chemistry had to be formed and clearly demarcated from that
of 'public men' of science. Although this essay examines Marcet's relation
to Humphry Davy's public lectures on chemistry, it focuses on the encourag
ement she received from the highly intellectual Geneva elite, to whom she w
as related. Comparing her work to the influential Bibliotheque britannique
founded by members of this elite, it asks why a group of patrician intellec
tuals would want to cultivate women's interest in chemistry and encourage t
he popularization of science in the aftermath of a revolution which threate
ned their national identity and power. It suggests that the answer may lie
in the recourse to science to establish moral and political authority in th
e aftermath of this very revolution.