There is insufficient information on the prognosis and safety of anticoagul
ation in acute cerebral vein and dural sinus thrombosis (CVDST). To describ
e the clinical aspects and medical management of CVDST in Portuguese hospit
als, to evaluate the safety of anticoagulation in this setting, and to iden
tify subgroups of CVDST patients with different prognoses, we registered sy
mptomatic CVDST patients admitted to Portuguese hospitals since 1980, Cases
were collected from file review up to 6/95 and from consecutively admitted
patients from 6/95 to 6/98, One hundred and forty-two patients were includ
ed from 20 centers (51 retrospectively and 91 prospectively). One hundred a
nd twelve patients (79%) were anticoagulated. There were only 6 new intracr
anial hemorrhages (4 in anticoagulated patients) and 2 systemic hemorrhages
, Nine (6%) patients died. At discharge, 96 [68%), had recovered completely
and only 6 (4%) were dependent (Rankin greater than or equal to 3). Signif
icant multivariate predictors of death/dependency were central nervous syst
em infection as a predisposing cause (odds ratio, OR = 15.4; 95% confidence
interval Cl = 111-1.1), encephalopathy on admission (OR = 5.2; 95% Cl = 18
.7-1.5) and hemorrhage on admission CT/MR (OR = 3.6; 95% Cl = 12.9-1). Sign
ificant predictors of complete recovery were no encephalopathy on admission
(OR = 5; 95% Cl = 12.5-2.1), age <45 years (OR = 3.8; 95% Cl = 9.2-1.6) an
d anticoagulation (OR = 3.8; 95% Cl = 9.6-1.5). It is possible to identify
CVDST patients with potential bad or good prognosis in the acute phase. Ant
icoagulation was safe and a predictor of complete recovery in acute CVDST,
Copyright <(c)> 2001 S. KargerAG, Basel.