Some 115 bereaved subjects (43 spouses, 39 adult children, and 33 pare
nts) were followed-up prospectively over 12 months following the acute
bereavement period. They completed the Zung Depression Scale, Spielbe
rger's State and Trait Anxiety Measure, the GHQ-28, and Eysenck's Pers
onality Inventory at four time points. With the exception of EPI-Extro
version, there was a significant decrease in all scores over the perio
d encompassing the study. There were no differences between the three
groups on any of the psychological variables measured. Scores on the Z
ung Depression Scale, state and trait anxiety, and neuroticism correla
ted significantly with a measure of core bereavement phenomenology, th
e Core Bereavement Items, at each time point for each group.