A synthesis of the author's recent work on color-order systems and color-di
fference evaluation is provided in context of current knowledge and practic
es. The development of a colorimetric model is demonstrated using Munsell "
Celtic crosses" as a model of perceptual space. Issues surrounding color-ma
tching functions, unique hues, the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect, and lightne
ss and chroma crispening are addressed, as is the difficulty of reconciling
a difference-based hue, chroma, lightness model with an Euclidean model. A
new lightness scale and treatment of lightness crispening is proposed The
results indicate that, despite problems, relatively simple modified opponen
t-color models provide good accuracy in predicting color-order system and s
upra-threshold small color-difference data. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc