We present a novel approach of shape matching and recognition of 3D objects
using artificial potential fields. The potential model assumes that bounda
ry of every 3D template object of identical Volume is uniformly charged. An
initially small input object placed inside a template object will experien
ce repulsive force and torque arising from the potential field. A better ma
tch in shape between the template object and the input object can be obtain
ed if the input object translates and reorients itself to reduce the potent
ial while growing in size. The template object which allows the maximum gro
wth of the input object corresponds to the best match and thus represents t
he shape of the input object. The above repulsive force and torque are anal
ytically tractable for an input object represented by its boundary samples.
which makes the shape matching efficient. The proposed approach is intrins
ically invariant under translation: rotation and size changes of the input
object. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.