This study examined the effects of a liquid meal on cholecystokinin (CCK) s
ecretion in patients with severe short bowel syndrome (SSBS) receiving home
total parenteral nutrition (TPN) support for 5-19 years after massive smal
l bowel resection. Five patients with SSBS due to superior mesenteric arter
y or vein thrombosis were included. Five healthy volunteers served as contr
ols. Blood was drawn before and 1 hr following consumption of 250 mi of a l
iquid diet containing 232 kcal with 8 g fat and 8 g protein. Plasma CCK act
ivity was evaluated by amylase bioassay. All patients had stable weight wit
h a normal BMI and serum albumin level, although there were mild abnormalit
ies in their liver function tests. CCK secretion after stimulation was sign
ificantly decreased in patients. These results suggest that reduction in in
testinal length influences CCK secretion in response to meal stimulation in
SSBS patients.