To determine if frequent needle-exchange program (NEP) use is associated wi
th lower readiness to change drug use, NEP clients in Providence, RI were i
nterviewed regarding their drug use, HIV risk, health, and past use of drug
treatment services in 1997-1998. Readiness to change drug use was assessed
using a nine-step decision ladder. Based on this assessment, 14.3% of the
sample were classified as precontemplators (24/168), 29.2% were in the cont
emplation stage (49/168), and 56.5% were in the determination or ready to c
hange stage (95/168). We found that mean number of NEP visits was 25.5 amon
g precontemplators, 28.7 among contemplators, and 22.5 among those in the d
etermination stage. In multivariate analysis, an inverse relationship betwe
en having ever been in alcohol treatment and higher readiness to change dru
g use was the only significant association. In this exploratory study, we f
ound that more frequent NEP participation did not impact readiness to chang
e drug use among intravenous drug users. Given the high proportion of NEP c
lients ready to change drug use, improving linkages between NEPs and substa
nce abuse treatment appears warranted. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Lt
d. All rights reserved.