THIS paper briefly outlines the dilemma confronting assessment and cer
tification authorities in ensuring comparability of end-of-school asse
ssments and proceeds to outline approaches adopted in Victoria followi
ng the introduction of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). I
n particular, a description is provided of a new system for maximising
comparability of school-based assessments which was implemented for t
he first time in 1994. This system made use of a reference test (the G
eneral Achievement Test) to check on the reasonableness of schools' as
sessments and to identify those schools with unexpected results. If sc
hools' assessments were within a specified tolerance band, the schools
' assessments were automatically confirmed. If they fell outside the t
olerance band, the schools' assessments were subject to re-marking by
two external reviewers. This re-marking in turn led to a decision eith
er to confirm or adjust schools' assessments. The paper concludes with
some preliminary observations on the outcomes of implementing the new