This study employs a mixed methodological approach, using questionnaire sur
veys of individuals and stakeholder focus groups to investigate economic va
lues placed on a wetland surrounding Kalloni Bay on the island of Lesvos, G
reece. The questionnaire survey of local people and visitors to the area in
cluded a rating exercise of four possible development scenarios, and each i
ndividual was then asked their willingness to participate in payment for th
eir chosen scenario, and if they were willing to participate, they were the
n asked a willingness to pay question. Participants were also asked a serie
s of attitudinal questions concerning the local environment and issues rele
vant to the area. This information was then combined with qualitative infor
mation derived from the focus groups, which elicited opinions from importan
t local stakeholders, such as fishermen, elected representatives, construct
ors and hotel owners about their priorities for both conservation and devel
opment. By combining these methodologies, information and conclusions of gr
eater relevance to policy makers can be obtained than using either methodol
ogy in isolation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.