A nation-wide ecosystem science network for Canada was formed in 1994. At t
hat time, mercury was a re-emerging issue in Canada and the Coordinating Of
fice for the network sought collaboration to assess the issue. The key mech
anisms by which the network has added value in addressing this issue are: 1
) Information Dissemination, the network has organised, facilitated and co-
hosted a number of regional, national and international mercury events (mee
tings, conferences and workshops) which have served to bring the expertise
together. the network also disseminates information on it's web page, and t
he Coordinating Office hosts an annual National Science Conference; 2) Coll
aborative Mercury Monitoring, network partners advocated the need for a sin
gle hemispheric mercury network which resulted in the development of a comp
atible Canada-U.S. mercury deposition network, which may also be expanded i
nto Mexico, and 3) Environmental Reporting, the network has collaborated wi
th others to report on current mercury findings through initiatives such as
the 1998 Northeast States and Eastern Canadian Mercury Study, a 1999 Mercu
ry Case Study and is presently a partner in the University of Quebec's prop
osal to form a Collaborative Mercury Ecosystem Research Network in Canada.