Many tropical reef fishes are divided into Atlantic and East Pacific taxa,
placing similar species in two very different biogeographic regimes. The tr
opical Atlantic is a closed ocean basin with relatively stable currents, wh
ereas the East Pacific is an open basin with unstable oceanic circulation.
To assess how evolutionary processes are influenced by these differences in
oceanography and geography, we analyze a 630-bp region of mitochondrial cy
tochrome b from 171 individuals in the blenniid genus Ophioblennius. Our re
sults demonstrate deep genetic structuring in the Atlantic species, O. atla
nticus, corresponding to recognized biogeographic provinces, with divergenc
es of d = 5.2-12.7% among the Caribbean, Brazilian, St. Helena/Ascension Is
land, Gulf of Guinea, and Azores/Cape Verde regions. The Atlantic phylogeny
is consistent with Pliocene dispersal from the western to eastern Atlantic
, and the depth of these separations (along with prior morphological compar
isons) may indicate previously unrecognized species. The eastern Pacific sp
ecies, O. steindachneri. is characterized by markedly less structure than O
. atlanticus, with shallow mitochondrial DNA lineages (d(max) = 2.7%) and h
aplotype frequency shifts between locations in the Sea of Cortez, Pacific P
anama, Clipperton Island, and the: Galapagos Islands. No concordance betwee
n generic structure and biogeographic provinces was found for O. steindachn
eri. We attribute the phylogeographic pattern in O. atlanticus to dispersal
during the reorganization of Atlantic circulation patterns that accompanie
d the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama. The low degree of structure in the
eastern Pacific is probably due to unstable circulation and linkage to the
larger Pacific Ocean basin. The contrast in genetic signatures between Atl
antic and eastern Pacific blennies demonstrates how differences in geology
and oceanography have influenced evolutionary radiations within each region