In a simple, yet elegant experiment conducted 30 years ago, Chan and Cain (
1967) using 'Spencer Seedless', a facultatively parthenocarpic apple (Malus
x domestica Borkh.) cultivar, proposed that seeds inhibited flowering and
accentuated biennial bearing in apple. Their conclusions have been extrapol
ated widely to include apple and other species. We have tested the universa
lity of their conclusions using 'Bartlett' pear (Pyrus communis L.), a comm
ercially important, facultatively parthenocarpic cultivar. Unlike 'Spencer
Seedless' apples and seedless 'Bartlett' pear grown in France, California-g
rown seedless 'Bartlett' pear fruit strongly inhibited flowering the follow
ing year. However, the presence of seeds increased 'Bartlett' pear fruit si
ze relative to seedless fruit by 13% and 20% in nonthinned and heavily-thin
ned pear trees, respectively, indicating that seeds increased fruit sink st