A 1-km(2) area located 2 km off the Florida Panhandle (30 degrees 22.6'N; 8
6 degrees 38.7'W) was selected as the site to conduct high-frequency acoust
ic seafloor penetration, sediment propagation, and bottom scattering experi
ments [1]. Side scan, multibeam, and normal incidence chirp acoustic survey
s as well as subsequent video surveys, diver observations, and vibra coring
, indicate a uniform distribution of surficial and subbottom seafloor chara
cteristics within the area. The site, in 18-19 m of water, is characterized
by 1-2-m-thick fine-to-medium clean sand and meets the logistic and scient
ific requirements specified for the acoustic experiments. This paper provid
es a preliminary summary of the meteorological, oceanographic, and seafloor
conditions found during the experiments and describes the important physic
al and biological processes that control the spatial distribution and tempo
ral changes in these characteristics.