High-capacity optical recording beyond DVD is physically made possible by u
sing blue lasers with shorter wavelengths, and improved lenses with high nu
merical aperture. In collaboration with Sony, a new optical disc format for
a real-time Digital Video Recording system (DVR) has been developed. Signa
l processing plays a key role in the optimization of disc capacity together
with system margins of the optical drive. For the new format, new modulati
on codes have been designed for the rewritable version (parity-preserving c
ode) and the read-only version (combi-code), For bit-detection in the rewri
table format, a nonrecursive algorithm with PRML-like performance is devise
d. Finally, a new ECC code, called the picket code, was designed in order t
o cope with multiple long burst errors, on top of the usual random errors o
f the channel.