Ml. Marks, CONSULTING IN MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS - INTERVENTIONS SPAWNED BY RECENT TRENDS, Journal of organisational change management, 10(3), 1997, pp. 267
Mergers and acquisitions occur frequently in organizations, but rarely
achieve their desired financial and strategic objectives. Personal ex
perience gained in more than 50 corporate combinations shows that many
factors account for the dismal track record of mergers and acquisitio
ns, including underestimating the multitude of integration issues and
problems that arise as organizations come together and the pervasivene
ss and depth of human and cultural issues triggered in a combination.
These dynamics have been found in combinations involving organizations
of all sizes, in all industry sectors and across international bounda
ries. Reviews the human, organizational and cultural dynamics affectin
g mergers and acquisitions, and reports recent trends influencing inte
rventions to enhance merger and acquisition success. Describes consult
ing approaches and methods required to minimize employee stress, manag
ement crisis and culture clash and to enhance the desired financial an
d strategic results of mergers and acquisitions.