In two similar experiments, Lablab purpureus was sown at different dates in
July and August to evaluate the effects of sowing date on the yield and nu
tritive value of the plant and shed leaves. On each occasion, an interim ha
rvest was performed on half of the plants sown at each date and the regrowt
h recorded. The interim harvest reduced the total yield, and in particular
that of shed leaves. In one of the two experiments, late sowing resulted in
a considerable reduction in yield, increased crude protein and reduced mod
ified acid-detergent fibre concentrations. Ash concentrations were higher i
n plants sown later and their shed leaves. Sodium concentrations were inade
quate for ruminants and, like phosphorus concentrations, tended to decrease
with later sowing. However, both calcium and magnesium concentrations incr
eased with later sowing and were sufficient for ruminant production. Potass
ium concentrations were high and were little affected by sowing date. It is
concluded that both an interim harvest and late sowing are disadvantageous
when lablab is grown for ruminant livestock, the former because of yield r
eduction and the latter because of yield reduction, increases in ash concen
tration and reductions in sodium and phosphorus concentrations.