The UCu4-xMnxAl8 system exists in a single-phase form for the whole concent
ration range. The magnetic and electrical properties hal e been examined in
the temperature ranges 1.7-300 K and 4.2-300 K, respectively. The lattice
parameters increase with increasing x, however with da/dx>dc/dx. The magnet
ic susceptibility follows the modified Curie-Weiss law at T>20 K. The incre
ase of the Mn concentration, L is reflected in a higher value of the temper
ature independent part of the susceptibility which can be related to the in
crease of the Pauli-like susceptibility of the band electrons. The electric
al resistivity is typical for metallic compounds bur for lower x then are a
nomalies in rho (T) plots corresponding roughly to the Neel point of UCu4Al
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