An analytical electrochemical cell based on the Hull cell is described. The
cell was tailored specifically for the analysis of electrowinning or elect
roplating. Current density distributions were generated by asymmetric inser
tion of an insulating baffle between parallel electrodes. The position and
length of the baffle were easily altered, giving 12 possible distributions
for a single total current. The cathode consisted of 10 electrically isolat
ed 1 cm(2), aluminium segments. By logging the potential drop across 1 Omeg
a resistors in each of the 10 isolated parallel branches, quantitative dete
rmination of current densities across the cathode was made possible. The sm
all segments facilitated microscopic analysis of deposit morphologies. A te
chnique for the determination of current efficiencies on each segment is de
scribed and demonstrated. The technique obviates the necessity to determine
deposited masses directly. Development of the technique for industrial app
lication is detailed. The system is demonstrated by evaluating known effect
s of variables in zinc electrowinning. The variables examined were temperat
ure, deposition time, acid concentration and antimony contamination.