The purpose for this study was to address tile ways in which conflictual an
d positive relationship qualities in the sibling relationship differ at dif
ferent grade levels during early adolescence. This question was addressed u
sing a cross-sectional design with 170 early adolescents in fourth grade (n
= 60), sixth grade (n = 44), and eighth grade (n = 66). Reports of the beh
aviors engaged in by children as well os their perceptions of conflictual a
nd positive relationship qualities were obtained. Age-related differences w
ere found both in children's perceptions and in behavioral reports of the s
ibling relationship. Several prosocial relationship qualities were lower fo
r sixth graders and higher for eighth graders. In addition, children's perc
eptions of sibling relationship qualities differed by gender composition of
the sibling relationship with boy/boy dyads reporting lower levels of posi
tive relationship qualities including caring, intimacy, and conflict resolu
tion than did either boy/girl or girl/girl dyads.