This study examines life course and sociodemographic variations in the ways
grandparents are involved with grandchildren in terms of structural, funct
ional, shared activities, and affective-cognitive aspects of these relation
ships. Family life stage, as well as grandparents' gender, marital status,
race, and education, influenced how the grandparent role was enacted. Young
er grandparents tended to live closer to and have greater contact with gran
dchildren and baby-sit and share recreational activities. Older grandparent
s tended to provide financial assistance and more strongly identified with
the role. When their grandchildren were younger, grandparents tended to int
eract more with them, share more activities, provide baby-sitting, and rece
ive more symbolic rewards from the grandparent role. Many effects related t
o grandchildren's age were explained by the greater opportunity of grandpar
ents to interact with younger grandchildren. The article concludes that it
is important to consider the life course position of grandparents and grand
children when ascertaining the content and meaning of the grandparent role.